quarta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2009


Como são os Tunisinos ... É quase assim

You are Tunisian when:

1.You have 5 o'clock morning cravings for lablabi (or bambalouni?)

2.You have watched at least once in your life a full episode of Guadaluppe or Manuela

3.If you're from "banlieue", everything else is province, and you despise them

4.If you're not from banlieue, you despise banlieue but secretly wish you lived there

5.Not supporting the same football team is the underlying reason you can't stand your brother in law

6.You begin your sentences by the "z***" word

7.You end your sentences by the "z***" word

8.You regularly have phone calls from some aunt trying to fix you up with some very good "wild or bent 3ayla"

9.You made your first "melyoun" when you passed your "bac"

10.You are familiar with street poetry: "chbih elfraise mal a l'aise, chbih ellouze membouze…"

11.You would kill for a mloukhia abroad

12.You hate "tounes"

13.You love "tounes"

14.You automatically start whispering when you speak about anything remotely related to politics

15.You could -seriously- start a fight to be the one to pay for the bill

16.You have an 80% debt rate but still manage to buy the last Mercedes

17.If you're a girl; Gucci, Dolce and Salvatore are the reasons you go to work in the morning

18.If you're a girl you turn blond at one point or another

19.If you're a girl you can't have your nails done without "couloirs"

20.Someone threatened you with a chleka at one point or another

21.You put tuna on pizza and pasta

22.You waited 10 years before seeing your first banana

23.You think you don't need a visa to go to Marseilles

24.You think Bouga Sider is the greatest invention after A/C

25.You know the old guy with a cat in Sidi Bou

26.You can pull off a white suit and a mashmoum

27.Purple is your color ;)

28.You only know one avenue: 7 November

29.Cats understand it when you say "kssss"

30.You manifest Happiness by the 2 words "mouch norrmal"

31.Your mother always says she's a "beldia"

32.You know what's an LNA

33.You know at least 10 jokes on Libyans and Hairdressers

34.You 're a "house music terrorist" i.e. u ONLY listen to house music

35.You're alcoholic

36.If you live abroad, you have a bottle of water in the bathroom...

37.You Never EVER change the places you go out to i.e.: calypso in the summer, grand bleu in the winter ok… spoon

38.Shouting is just the way you speak

39.You eat harissa with about everything

40.While being open-minded, tolerant etc. you are fundamentally convinced nothing, NOTHING equals being a Tounsi, Tounsia

41.You can't wait to leave 'tounes'

42.You can't wait to come back to 'tounes"

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